2015 Diabetes Blog Week Day 5- Diabetes Personification Wildcard

Diabetes Blog Week

Even though this topic was my idea, I’m still struggling to imagine what my diabetes would look or sound like if it were a person. Let me tell you a little about my diabetes and then maybe by the end, we can piece together what it looks like.

My diabetes is for the most more rational than emotional. It’s responses can usually be calculated. You do A, then B will happen. I don’t see my diabetes as an empathetic, understanding friend that when you’re running late and stressed, is caring and compassionate and will give you good blood sugars. No, my diabetes doesn’t pick up on cues like that, it will send you low at the most inopportune time, maybe for it’s own entertainment.

My diabetes is unpredictable and can kind of be a dick sometimes. Everything will be going great and we’ll be getting along fine when out of the blue he’ll send me shooting high or drop me really low. WTF diabetes! We can’t be friends if you do stuff like that.

But that’s the thing, we aren’t friends. You choose your friends. I didn’t choose my diabetes, we’re stuck together. We’re more like family along those lines. And since I know he’s not going anywhere, we try to make the best of our situation.

So if we’re family, and I think I’ve somewhere in the post decided my diabetes is male, is he an older or a younger brother?

Like a younger sibling, my diabetes sometimes tests my limits and my patience with his daily annoyances. But with some teaching and guidance, he can be pretty well behaved. But like an older sibling, my diabetes can be manipulative. He has a way of getting me to do what he wants. When he needs something, he makes himself known and heard, but otherwise he seems content to let me live my life. I know that the often shitty way he makes me feel is his way of protecting me, his signals and alarms are a way to watch over me so that something worse doesn’t happen. Like an older sibling, he also ends up teaching me through our interactions.

So I guess my diabetes is somewhat like a protective yet annoying older brother. However I can’t say that I have love for my diabetes the way that I love my sibling. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’d be quite happy if I never saw my diabetes ever again. It’s a complicated relationship, we’ll leave it at that.

This post is part of Diabetes Blog Week. The Wildcard topic: If you could personify your diabetes or that of your loved one, what would it be like?  What would it look like, what would it say, what kind of personality would it have?  Use your imagination and feel free to use images, drawings, words, music, etc. to describe it. 

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