Why I love fall

There is so much I love about fall.

IMG_2924I love the colors of the changing leaves.

I love fall fashion- warm sweaters, boots, and scarves.

I love apple picking and eating cider mill donuts.

I love pumpkins. Carving them, decorating with them, eating pumpkin flavored foods and smelling pumpkin spice.

I love the crisp air, walking with the sound of leaves crunching under your feet.

I love college football games and tailgates.

And I love all the increased pocket storage space!

IMG_2932It may not seem like a big deal, but in the summer without jackets, you’re limited to the pocket space that is in your pants or shorts, assuming that they even have pockets! It seems like summer clothing are more often opting for tiny pockets or none at all. Contrast that to fall. Colder weather means sweaters, sweatshirts and jackets, which means so much more room with all the pockets. It makes a difference when you’re going for a run and need somewhere to hold your snacks for low blood sugar and glucose meter and keys. It matters when you go to a collage football game that won’t let you take in a purse so you borrow the pockets of the people you’re with so you can fit all your supplies. It matters when you’re out for a walk and just don’t want to carry your heavy purse and only want the essentials with you.

So heres to pumpkin pies and pockets!